Wednesday 23 January 2013

Musicb Magazine: Research & Planning

Representation in the music magazine 'Kerrang!' how both the musicians and audience's are presented.

This music magazine Kerrang! presents both the musicians and audience in a number of ways. Firstly the musician is revealed with a close-up on the magazine front cover. He's lookibng directly at us in what appears an intimidating way, it's almost like we're looking up to him; whilst he looks down upon us. This creates an impression that musicians presented on this magazine have a higher power than someone outside of that work genre. He has black eye-liner around his eyes, the connotations of black are often darkness and danger, which, some what reinforces this idea of him looking down upon us. The musician presented is also rather young, his face appears flawless with no wrenckles, spots or blemishes; just well shaved facial hair. This radiates the representation that artists in the genre of rock are rather dark, this perhaps isn't intentional but it can be argued the it's perpetuating this stereotype.

Furthermore this then implies the similar impression on the audience of this magazine. It suggests that all buyers of this magazine share that darker-outlook due to their support of rock music. It's reinforcing that stereotype. It creates the ideology of all young, rock supporters to be very dark, loud and pessimistic. This is simply from this magazines representation on the front cover, both the close-up and dark colours infer this ideology.

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