Wednesday 23 January 2013

Music Magazine: Research & Planning

Double page spread analysis.

These are two magazine double page spreads. Both of which appeal to a young, rock audience which I will use for my magazine. But both represent this in different ways.

The first double page spread has a complete grey background. Also, only the right side of the double page spread contains information, the other fifty-percent is of a musician in a medium-shot. His appearence doesn't seem intimidating, he looks more casual and exaggerated; for instance he has two full sleeves on display, common associations with sleeves and tattoos in general is often a hardcore rock-type of individual. So though he isn't perpetuating rock musicians to be aggressive, his feartures imply he is. Understandably this may not be the circumstance, but this is what is being represented on the double page spread. The informative side of the double page spread is firstly revealed with a large bold caption reading ''DO I EVER HAVE A CASUAL FRIDAY? ABSOLUTELY!'' This caption then tells the young reader what this article is specifically about (the musicans Friday nights). The effect of this is clear as contemporary rock fans would be interested in what their favouirite musician gets up to during the week, this is why the caption is so large - to make it stand out. Throughout the text on this double page spread key points are highlighted in white font, this allows the reader to really focus on this area and take in the information it's providing them. This double page spread is to interest the audience in this particular artist, the main focus is on him and is why it's displayed on a double page.

The second double page spread concerning 'The Teenagers' has more range of colours. On this feature we can see white, blue and a small portion of black. Again fifty-percent of the double page is a photograph, this time of the rock band 'The Teenagers'. It's taken from a medium-wide shot. They're all sat down rather openly and careless. This can relate to the name of the band 'Teenagers' as a common stereotype of teens is that they're trouble and care free. Therefore we can argue this perpetuates this stereotype. The other fifty-percent of this double page spread purely relates to this rock band, it's very informative and detailed, it's in black font and displayed down the page. The only highlight on the text is in blue, this is a quote reading ''Of course we're a sexual bamd. We're teenagers and that's all they think about''. This one quote alone completely reinforces the stereotype it just stated, it's perpetuating that all teens think about is sex, this is a rather negative outlook upon teens as it implies that sex is their only concern. The fact it's a quote from the band expands this stereotype to all it's supporters, making them believe it as much as they do. Clearly this double page spread revolves around this rock band, it's very informative about them and expresses their views and expresses an increasing amount of teenage stereotypes.

Both of this magazine double page spreads share similarities and differences. I like how they've used one image to cover fifty-percent of the page, I also like that they only focus on one partoicular artist or band. I want to include this in my double page spread. I would have to consider who my target audience would specifically like and include them on my double page spread. I wouldn't want to include too many contrasting colours like blue and black for instance. Instead I would prefer having two similar colours featured on my page like white and black perhaps.

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