Wednesday 23 January 2013

Music Magazine: Research & Planning.

Conventions of a rock magazine
I am trying to develope ideas of what to include in my rock magazine. So I've decided to list some conventions I think are conventional of a rock magazine.

Front conver conventions:

Dark colours, usually black or white.
A central image of a contemporary rock artist or band.
Less darker colours for box-outs and texts.
Bold title and caption.
Secondary lead.
Masthead, usually behind the main image.
Bar code situated at the bottom right.
Price at upper right of front cover.

Contents page conventions:

One image, either band or artist.
Informative text regarding contents of magazine.
Sponsors logos.
Page number, issue number and date in corner of page.
Primarily revolves around whatever image displayed but also informs of othe features.
Black and white colours.

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