Friday 25 January 2013

Music Magazine: Planning

Initial ideas

I'm currently debating through a range of ideas for my music magazine. I'm considering the colours to use, images, fonts etc. Some of my initial thoughts include:

  • A medium image of an individual on their own playing the electric guitar (the note being a power chord).
  • A mix if white and black colours on the page. Nothing too bright or dull. 
  • Title partly being behind image.
  • Strapline being a separate colour to black and white, perhaps red. 
  • Smaller images beneath main, to indicate other contents of magazine.
  • Price being displayed on the upper-right of magazine cover. 
  • Normal dimension.
  • Display a couple of tagline's to offer more insight into the magazine. 
  • Everything included aims specifically at my target audience.
Note - These initial ideas aren't permanent, they are rough ideas of what I'm considering to add to my magazine cover, there's no doubt that parts my change and different things may be added. My further ideas will be written as a proposal and will be detailed as well as comprehensive. They'll increase my ideas until I eventually create a flatplan and finally begin designing. 

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