Friday 14 December 2012

Music magazine: Research & Planning.

Various magazines and their target audiences. 


This type of magazine aims specifically at a niche audience, this is because it holds concern topics and themes that are relevant to people who listen and are interested in rock music (as this is the music genre the magazine offers) and its background. The title of the magazine Kerrang! is onomatopoeic of the smash of an electric guitar, it identifies its audience as individually minded and independent of thought, and musically talented or experienced. The audience is defined by attitude, passion and loyalty. Their current figures in selling are still currently high and their audience has remained by the definition 'loyal'. 

They audience are made up of 40% females and 60% males along with Kerrang!'s demographic fall into the social class D-C. The dominate age of which these persons read the magazine are between 16-24 years old. 

This magazine can be seen as being aimed at a young audience through it's various use of graphic images, layout and eye catching fonts. Being aimed at youths it's display on the magazine always remains contemporary and up-to-date. It displays what we associate as common faces and interesting advertisement for its youth. It's said that three words particularly have the greatest effect on magazine covers. These are: free, win and sex. Kerrang! uses at least two of these words on every issue from my understanding which therefore appeals to their target audience. 

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