Friday 12 October 2012

Magazine codes and conventions.

Masthead - the masthead is the title block for the magazine, it needs to be eye-catching and distinctive.

Menu - the list on contents inside the paper.

Plugs - they're well placed, a pug (or starburst) is the top left hand and right hand corner of a magazine, Usually the price, logo or position are placed here. 

Secondary lead - a sneak preview of an inside article or story. Usually displayed as a picture. 

Splash - main story of the front page accompanied with the headline and a photograph. 

Strapline - subheading (heading below the main heading). 

Tag - categorizing the reader's interest in a story by using a word or phrase to engage them. 

Box-out - a coloured box behind some text.

Caption - text underneath an image explaining it.

Feature - what the magazine is offering you. 

Lure - Usually a word or phrase to make the reader read the inside article.